By: William Briggs
In 2054 a drug was invented that inhibited the human tongue from producing speech. (Tests were not performed on animals due to recent "All Creatures are All Right" legislation.)
It was discovered rather haphazardly.
Joseph Zach Lieman was in the process of finding the cure for Oedipal lust when he noticed that his lab Males were having trouble speaking. He discovered that his testing humans could move their tongues but they failed to produce syllables that would later lead to words.
Failing to cure Oedipal lust Lieman lost his funding in 2055.
Oedipal lust continued to rage and all Lieman had produced was a tonic that rendered tongues, inclined to speak, useless.
To make matters worse his wife had recently died of cancer.
Lieman, deviled by depression, managed to write a brief article describing his new tongue bracer.
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